A shinpan seminar was held in Montreal on August 14 to teach beginners the basics of being shinpan for shiai matches – we went through basic vocabulary, motions, and how to judge ippon!

A shinpan seminar was held in Montreal on August 14 to teach beginners the basics of being shinpan for shiai matches – we went through basic vocabulary, motions, and how to judge ippon!
June 18th was the return of the Toronto Naginata Tournament, rounding off our flurry of Spring events! Special thanks to Jordan Macklem for organizing the tournament. Congratulations to everyone!
Fighting Spirit Award
The annual UTNC gasshuku was held May 27-29, with participation from both our university clubs (UofT & McGill). It was three-day whirlwind full of practice, hard work, and fun. Everyone had the chance to reflect on their naginata and set priorities for what to work on for their next practices!
The annual TNT is returning this year! It will be held in Toronto on Saturday, June 18th. There will be individuals and team matches, and volunteers are welcome to help run the tournament!
Please check the Facebook event page for the latest details via this link.
We had a great showing at the JSS Taikai, held on April 2-3. Congratulations to everyone who went and represented Canada at the tournament!
Dangai Engi
Dangai Shiai
Yudansha Engi
Yudansha Shiai
March 19th marked the fourth annual Canadian Winter Classic Tournament! It was a jam-packed day with engi, individual shiai, and team shiai matches. Thank you to the volunteers who helped to run the tournament, and thank you to Marija Landekic for organizing the entire event.
Individual Shiai
Team Shiai
Best Match Award
Fighting Spirit Award
Three different Canadian Regional Taikai took place this year during the months of October and November. See below for the results of each one!
October 30 was the Toronto Regional Engi Tournament!
It was a busy 10-match round robin engi tournament and everyone had the opportunity to shinpan for multiple matches. We hope everyone had the chance to show off what they’ve been working on and to practice being shinpan. Special thanks to Mary-Kate Proud for organizing the tournament.
Congratulations to:
November 30 was the Edmonton Regional Tournament!
It was a peer-ranked uchikaeshi, engi, and kakari keiko tournament. Everyone had two attempts to try and improve their score where the highest scores counted towards a total. Excited to see everyone incorporate their feedback into regular practice for the next tournament! Special thanks to Alan McDougall for organizing the event.
Top scorers:
Nov 13-14 was the Montreal Regional Tournament.
It was a shiai and engi tournament each with two pools of round robin. We were excited to see such an amazing turn out, and especially to welcome McGill Naginata beginners to their first tournament ever! Everyone had the opportunity to shinpan and to help run the tournament. Special thanks to Marija Landekic for organizing the event.
Fighting Spirit: Akiko Nakagawa
Congratulations and we hope everyone had fun!
Oct 16-17 was the return of the annual CNF Seminar! It was incredible to have so many clubs gather and to practice safely with everyone in person again.
This year’s seminar focused on solidifying fundamentals, taking bogu practice to the next level, learning to teach, and shinpan training. We hope that everyone found some points to reflect on and take back to home dojos!
Thank you very much to the instructors for all the sessions:
Keep an eye out for a future post on the Regional Taikai results!
We’re excited to announce the return of the annual CNF Seminar, and that Regional Taikai will be held in Western Canada, Toronto, and Quebec. Details below:
CNF Seminar:
Regional Taikai (and the relevant point-person):
Please contact the point-person for each region for further details!
The CNF has recently selected new officers. Thank you to everyone who applied to help us support and further Naginata in Canada; we look forward to continuing to work together on this mission in the future.
Please welcome:
We are deeply grateful to the previous officers for their hard work; in particular, Antoine Fromentin-sensei, our previous President. He has been instrumental in shaping Canadian Naginata over the past years and growing the Federation to what it is today. Thank you, Antoine-sensei, for your time as President and we hope to practice with you again soon!