A reminder that the CNF’s Community Grant is available to all those looking for financial assistance with things related to Naginata training. This can include grading fees, tournament fees, travel expenses, etc. Applications should be submitted to the CNF email no later than 14 days prior to the event in question. Members can ask their dojo leaders for access to the request form.

December 10-11 was the Quebec Regional Tournament, with individual shiai, team shiai, and engi tournaments! We were especially excited to welcome Concordia Naginata beginners to one of their first big tournaments.
Special thanks to Marija Landekic for organizing the event. And now, for the results:
Individual Shiai:
- 1st Place: Marija Landekic
- 2nd Place: Julia Luo
- 3rd Place: Kevin Hallé
Team Shiai:
- 1st Place: Concordia (Kevin, Jérémy, Daiki)
- 1st Place: Marija Landekic & Kevin Hallé
- 2nd Place: Jérémy Frandon & Birgit Siegert-Iriyama
- 3rd Place: Julia Luo & Daikai Siegert-Iriyama
Fighting Spirit: Birgit Siegert-Iriyama
Congratulations to all those who graded at the Wild Rose Naginata Club and Concordia Naginata Club grading on Dec. 11th. One 5kyu and five 4kyu ranks were earned! We’re excited to see the community growing and look forward to practicing with our newest members in the near future.

Congratulations to the University of Toronto Naginata Club on the 15th Anniversary of their club! It’s been an incredible decade and a half for our oldest university club, and here’s to many more years!
Check out their Instagram @uoftnaginata for the latest happenings.

The first Montreal Intercollegiate Tournament was held on Nov. 5th. Organized by McGill Naginata Club, this shinjin taikai allowed beginners from McGill and Concordia Universities to experience their first external competition.
Beginners were introduced to the etiquette and procedures of competing in engi-kyogi; intermediates carried through the organization; and advanced students practiced shinpan duties.
The collegiate naginata community is growing well in Quebec, with the new Concordia Naginata Club making its competition debut and McGill becoming an organizational powerhouse. We can hope to see both clubs in more events, such as the rumored Quebec Regional Taikai, and collaborating on projects such as the Intercollegiate Tournaments.
Written by: Jeremy Frandon

The year 2022 saw the debut of multiple naginata dojos around the country!
The Wild Rose Naginata Club is located in Edmonton and was founded by Alan McDougall.
The Concordia Naginata Club is located at Concordia University in Montréal, and was co-founded by Kevin Hallé and Jeremy Frandon.
The Québec Naginata Kai is located in Québec City and was founded by Philippe Mercier.
It’s great to see the growth of the Canadian naginata community. We look forward to meeting all the new dojo members at various future events!

Oct. 15-16 was the annual CNF Seminar! Thank you very much to the sensei and organizers for a wonderful seminar.
We’re especially grateful to Schmucker-sensei (Renshi), D’hose-sensei (Renshi), and Kubo-sensei (5dan) who were in attendance. We had the opportunity to practice kata, learn new drills, review basics, and strengthen our fundamentals. We all learned much from sensei to take back into our regular practice.
Congratulations also to the new yudansha and kyu ranks earned this seminar! Three new 2-dan, one new shodan, and several kyu ranks were graded.
We’re excited to see the community grow and we look forward to seeing everyone again!
Our yearly CNF Seminar will be held on October 15-16 in Montreal. There will be grading up to 2-dan available at the seminar – please check with your dojo leaders about grading. Note that there will be no taikai this year. In exciting news, we will have in attendance two sensei from overseas!
More details to come.

WNC has been postponed from 2023 likely until 2024. We will update with further details as they become available.
CNF Membership fees will be raised for the first time in over a decade. This year it will be $50 for adult members and $25 for those under 18 years old.