
Oct 16-17 was the return of the annual CNF Seminar! It was incredible to have so many clubs gather and to practice safely with everyone in person again.

This year’s seminar focused on solidifying fundamentalstaking bogu practice to the next levellearning to teach, and shinpan training. We hope that everyone found some points to reflect on and take back to home dojos!

Thank you very much to the instructors for all the sessions:

  • Kaori Kubo (5dan)
  • Marija Landekic (4dan)
  • Tomas Almonte (3dan)
  • Simon Bruins (3dan)
  • Mary-Kate Proud (3dan)
  • Lutan Liu (2dan) and Alan McDougall (2dan)

Keep an eye out for a future post on the Regional Taikai results!

  • October 20, 2021

We’re excited to announce the return of the annual CNF Seminar, and that Regional Taikai will be held in Western Canada, Toronto, and Quebec. Details below:

CNF Seminar:

  • Dates: October 16 & 17
  • Location: Montreal, Quebec
  • Notes:
    • In person
    • CNF members only
    • Double-vaccination required
    • Mask required
    • All local, provincial, and federal health guidelines will be obeyed

Regional Taikai (and the relevant point-person):

  • TorontoOctober 30 – Mary-Kate Proud
  • Edmonton: November 7 – Alan McDougall
  • Montreal: November 14 – Marija Landekic

Please contact the point-person for each region for further details!

  • September 1, 2021

The 7th World Naginata Championships were hosted by the Deutscher Naginata Bund (German Naginata Federation) and took place in Weisbaden, Germany from July 4-10, 2019.

The Championships involved various divisions:

  • Engi:
    • Shikake-Oji
    • Zen Nihon Renmei no Kata
  • Shiai:
    • Women’s Team
    • Men’s Team
    • Women’s Individual
    • Men’s Individual

Other than the actual tournament above, there was also the Goodwill Tournament:

  • Goodwill Shiai Individual Women
  • Goodwill Shiai Individual Men 

Among the many great naginataka, Team Canada earned 2nd place in Women’s Team Shiai! 🍁

  • July 22, 2019


Congratulations to both the McGill and Montreal Naginata Clubs on their outstanding showing at the JSS Yamauchi Memorial Taikai hosted by The East Coast Naginata Federation in New Jersey this past weekend.

Both clubs brought their best and brought back the hardware to prove it! Here are the taikai results:

Dangai Engi:

  • First: Trevor Won/Ahnika Emery
  • Second: Karina Aksakal/Celia Slama (McGill)
  • Third: Gwenyth Evans/Ching Ching Shiue

Yudansha Engi:

  • First: Rebecca Pomeroy/Jessica Espinosa
  • Second: Antoine Fromentin/Ji Ni (Montreal)
  • Third: Yves Crepeau/Manon Dozois (Montreal)

Dangai Shiai Women’s Division:

  • First: Joanna Nguyen (McGill)
  • Second: Akiko Nakagawa (McGill)
  • Third: Henintsoa Rakatomalala (McGill)

Dangai Shiai Men’s Division:

  • First: Keisuke Nakajima (McGill)
  • Second: Sam Zhou (McGill)
  • Third: Trevor Won

Yudansha Shiai Women’s Division:

  • First: Rebecca Pomeroy
  • Second: Lily Hsin
  • Third: Sasha Nanette

Yudansha Shiai Men’s Division:

  • First: Antoine Fromentin (Montreal)
  • Second: Simon Bruins (McGill)
  • Third: Raphael Djinn

Congratulations to all competitors and a special thank you to the ECNF for being such abiding hosts!

  • April 3, 2019

FB_IMG_1552920249478The first Annual Winter Classis Taikai in Montreal was a resounding success!

Naginata Senshu from across Canada brought their best performances to the table with a great showing building up to the World Naginata Championships later this year.

Taikai Results:

1st place: Jordan Macklem and Tomas Paolo Almonte
2nd place: Lutan Liu and Abigail Lim
3rd place: Mary-Kate Proud and Mary Phan

Individual shiai:
1st place: Marija Landekic
2nd place: Lutan Liu
3rd place: Tomas Almonte

Team Shiai:
1st place: Team Gabriel Conquer, Andrew Boyd and Tomas Almonte
2nd place: Team Joanna Nguyen, Lutan Liu and Antoine Fromentin
3rd place: Team Keisuke Nakajima, William Choi and Jordan Macklem

Congratulations to all participants and let’s keep the momentum going forward!

  • March 22, 2019

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The Canadian Naginata Federation is pleased to announce the 1st annual CNF Winter Classic Taikai!
Date: March 16, 2019
Location: Milton-Parc Community Centre, 3555 St. Urbain st., Montreal, QC.
Registration Deadline: March 9th
Registration Cost: 25 years and older: $45 CDN
24 years and under: $30 CDN
The tournament will consist of Engi-Kyogi, and both individual and team Shiai-Kyogi.
People of all ranks are encouraged to volunteer as both Shimpan and helpers.
Please contact your Dojo leader for approval to compete.
This is a wonderful opportunity to access Naginata players from across Canada in both a tournament format and social aspect.

  • February 28, 2019

Autumn has come and with it the last of this year’s Naginata events!

Oct 8-9, ECNF Seminar – East-Coast Naginata Federation (US Naginata Federation) is hosting a seminar in Alexandria, Virginia on Oct 8-9th, 2016. If you wish to attend, speak to your dojo leaders soon! This seminar is always on Thanksgiving weekend so the CNF often participates. Car pooling is an option.

Oct 15-16, CNF Seminar and Taikai – Canadian Naginata Federation seminar and tournament. The most important event of the year for the Naginata community in Canada! Our annual seminar with sensei from around the world, national championship tournament, and grading up to 2dan this year. Talk to your dojo leader for more details.

Nov 19-20th, RMNF Seminar, Indiana – Rocky Mountain Naginata Federation (US Naginata Federation) is hosting a seminar in Batesville, Indiana on Nov 19-20th with Takami Tanner-sensei! If you wish to attend, speak to your dojo leaders. The CNF often participates, so car pooling is an option.

Dec 3-4th, AJNF Taikai – All Japan Naginata Federation Tournament. The #1 viewing event of the Naginata calendar, if you watch no other tournament, this is the one to pay attention to! Whether streamed live or posted on youtube, videos are usually available thanks to the hard work of the foreign Naginata community living in Japan. A guide to the event may be published by the Canadian community, owning to the success of last year’s guide. ( Please, Jordan, please?)

  • September 4, 2016